29 minute read


You can’t force corporate rules on a startup — or vice versa. Size and complexity affect the basic methodologies used to develop ideas and create revenues, and it is dangerous to ignore the differences.

Smaller companies are organized in a way that stimulates experimentation and risk-taking, while large and complex enterprises are incentivized to maintain the status quo by any means necessary.


```python !pip install -q dalex ``` ```python import pandas as pd import warnings import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from sklearn.ensemble import * from sklearn.metrics import * import dalex as dx import plotly.offline as pyo pyo.init_notebook_mode() warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') pd.set_option("display.precision", 3) ```


After first look of the Kaggle survey 2020 dataset, I was curious to know that, is there any difference in data science b/w startups and big companies, who all are prefer to work in these companies?, and what kind of age groups are working in? For my analysis I am going to use Q20.

Q20: What is the size of the company where you are employed?

Problem Statement: How Startups are doing different from mid/large size company?


  1. Data Preparation: Started with making company_category column using response of Q20. The values of company_category are Startup, Mid-Size Company and Large Size Company.
  2. Modelling: Made Classification model to classify company_category which will be used as feature selection with the use of model feature_importance and break_down approach.
  3. Aspect Identification: Using selected feature, I identified aspects on which we will further go down to understand data.
  4. Exploratory Analysis: With the use of different plotting technique, I will to identity pattern which will tell how startups are different from mid/large size companies.
  5. Summary Table: At last I will conclude the difference with the help of difference table.

Data Loading & Preprocess

Let’s Load data and do some preprocessing according to our requirement. I have bucketed Q20 response into three bucket i.e.

company_category = {
    "0-49 employees":"Startup",
    "50-249 employees":"Mid Size Company",
    "250-999 employees":"Mid Size Company",
    "1000-9,999 employees":"Large Size Company",
    "10,000 or more employees":"Large Size Company"

The total size of dataset, who have given answer to Q20: 11403

data = pd.read_csv("../input/kaggle-survey-2020/kaggle_survey_2020_responses.csv")
questions = data[0:1].to_numpy().tolist()[0]
column_question_lookup = dict(zip(data.columns.tolist(), questions))
data = data[1:]
data = data[~data['Q20'].isna()]
(11403, 355)
def get_columns(q):
    if q in ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']:
        return [q]
        return [c for c in data.columns if c.find(q)!=-1]
# test get_columns
q = "Q12"
['Q12_Part_1', 'Q12_Part_2', 'Q12_Part_3', 'Q12_OTHER']

```python company_category_lookup = { "0-49 employees":"Startup", "50-249 employees":"Mid Size Company", "250-999 employees":"Mid Size Company", "1000-9,999 employees":"Large Size Company", "10,000 or more employees":"Large Size Company" } data['Company_Category'] = data['Q20'].apply(lambda x: company_category_lookup[x]) ``` ```python in_order = [ "I do not use machine learning methods", "Under 1 year", "1-2 years", "2-3 years", "3-4 years", "4-5 years", "5-10 years", "10-20 years", "20 or more years" ] data['Q15'] = pd.Categorical(data['Q15'], categories=in_order, ordered=True) in_order = [ "I have never written code", "< 1 years", "1-2 years", "3-5 years", "5-10 years", "10-20 years", "20+ years" ] data['Q6'] = pd.Categorical(data['Q6'], categories=in_order, ordered=True) in_order = ["0", "1-2", "3-4", "5-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20+"] data['Q21'] = pd.Categorical(data['Q21'], categories=in_order, ordered=True) salary_in_order = [ "$0-999", "1,000-1,999", "2,000-2,999", "3,000-3,999", "4,000-4,999", "5,000-7,499", "7,500-9,999", "10,000-14,999", "15,000-19,999", "20,000-24,999", "25,000-29,999", "30,000-39,999", "40,000-49,999", "50,000-59,999", "60,000-69,999", "70,000-79,999", "80,000-89,999", "90,000-99,999", "100,000-124,999", "125,000-149,999", "150,000-199,999", "200,000-249,999", "300,000-500,000", "> $500,000" ] data['Q24'] = pd.Categorical(data['Q24'], categories=salary_in_order, ordered=True) in_order = [ "No formal education past high school", "Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree", "Bachelor’s degree", "Master’s degree", "Doctoral degree", "Professional degree", "I prefer not to answer" ] data['Q4'] = pd.Categorical(data['Q4'], categories=in_order, ordered=True) ```


First, I started with making company category classification model. For data preparation, I converted categorical variable into dummy/indicator variables and then passed into RandomForestClassifier model.


```python df = data.drop(columns=["Time from Start to Finish (seconds)", "Q20", "Q21", "Company_Category"]) y_data = data['Company_Category'].values # Make Dummies df = pd.get_dummies(df) # Fill in missing values df.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True) dummy_columns = [c for c in df.columns if len(df[c].unique()) == 2] non_dummy = [c for c in df.columns if c not in dummy_columns] df[dummy_columns] = df[dummy_columns].fillna(0) df[non_dummy] = df[non_dummy].fillna(df[non_dummy].median()) print(f">> Filled NaNs in {len(dummy_columns)} OHE columns with 0") print(f">> Filled NaNs in {len(non_dummy)} non-OHE columns with median values") X_data = df.to_numpy() print(X_data.shape, y_data.shape) classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, criterion='entropy', random_state=3107) classifier.fit(X_data, y_data) y_pred = classifier.predict(X_data) print('Training Accuracy :', accuracy_score(y_data, y_pred)) ```

>> Filled NaNs in 537 OHE columns with 0
>> Filled NaNs in 0 non-OHE columns with median values
(11403, 537) (11403,)
Training Accuracy : 0.9999123037797071

Let’s See the feature importance plot.

Feature importance refers to a class of techniques for assigning scores to input features (X_data) to a predictive model(classifier) that indicates the relative importance of each feature when making a prediction.

feat_importances = pd.Series(classifier.feature_importances_,
    figsize=(10, 20),
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f3b4d96aa50>


Importance Features:

  • Q24_$0-999: Salary
  • Q22_We have well established ML methods (i.e., models in production for more than 2 years): Employer incorporate machine learning methods
  • Q3_India: Location
  • Q22_No (we do not use ML methods): Employer incorporate machine learning methods
  • Q4_Master’s degree: Highest level of formal education
  • Q7_Part_3_SQL: Programming languages do you use on a regular basis
  • Q23_Part_1_Analyze and understand data to influence product or business decisions: Activities that make up an important part of your role at work.
  • Q22_We are exploring ML methods (and may one day put a model into production)*: Employer incorporate machine learning methods
  • Q9_Part_1_Jupyter (JupyterLab, Jupyter Notebooks, etc)*: Integrated development environments (IDE’s) do you use on a regular basis
  • Q4_Bachelor’s degree*: Highest level of formal education

Important Questions:

    important_question = [
        'Q1', 'Q3', 'Q4', 'Q5', 'Q7', 'Q9', 'Q10', 'Q12', 'Q14', 'Q17', 'Q22',
        'Q23', 'Q24', 'Q25', 'Q37', 'Q39'

Let’s try to use dalex (moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation) to see the break_down plots. The most commonly asked question when trying to understand a model’s prediction for a single observation is: which variables contribute to this result the most?. For that I have used break_down plot from dalex.

exp = dx.Explainer(classifier, X_data, y_data)

bd_large = exp.predict_parts(df[0:1], type='break_down', label="Large Size Company")
bd_mid = exp.predict_parts(df[2:3], type='break_down', label="Mid Size Company")
bd_startup = exp.predict_parts(df[4:5], type='break_down', label="Startup")

k = 20
imps_large = bd_large.result.variable_name.values[1:k + 1].tolist()
imps_mid = bd_mid.result.variable_name.values[1:k + 1].tolist()
imps_startup = bd_startup.result.variable_name.values[1:k + 1].tolist()
results = pd.DataFrame({
    "Large Size Company": [],
    "Mid Size Company": [],
    "Startup": []
for ids in zip(imps_large, imps_mid, imps_startup):

    results = results.append(
            "Large Size Company": [list(df.columns)[int(ids[0])]],
            "Mid Size Company": [list(df.columns)[int(ids[1])]],
            "Startup": [list(df.columns)[int(ids[2])]]
Preparation of a new explainer is initiated

  -> data              : numpy.ndarray converted to pandas.DataFrame. Columns are set as string numbers.
  -> data              : 11403 rows 537 cols
  -> target variable   : 11403 values
  -> target variable   : Please note that 'y' is a string array.
  -> target variable   : 'y' should be a numeric or boolean array.
  -> target variable   : Otherwise an Error may occur in calculating residuals or loss.
  -> model_class       : sklearn.ensemble._forest.RandomForestClassifier (default)
  -> label             : Not specified, model's class short name will be used. (default)
  -> predict function  : <function yhat_proba_default at 0x7f3b4f54c3b0> will be used (default)
  -> predict function  : Accepts pandas.DataFrame and numpy.ndarray.
  -> predicted values  : min = 0.0, mean = 0.265, max = 0.91
  -> model type        : classification will be used (default)
  -> residual function : difference between y and yhat (default)
  -> residuals         :  'residual_function' returns an Error when executed:
unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'float'
  -> model_info        : package sklearn

A new explainer has been created!
Large Size Company Mid Size Company Startup
0 Q24_$0-999 Q24_$0-999 Q24_$0-999
1 Q24_100,000-124,999 Q25_$10,000-$99,999 Q4_Doctoral degree
2 Q29_A_Part_11_Amazon Redshift Q29_A_Part_11_Amazon Redshift Q5_Research Scientist
3 Q37_Part_4_DataCamp Q37_Part_4_DataCamp Q24_30,000-39,999
4 Q19_Part_3_Contextualized embeddings (ELMo, CoVe) Q7_Part_10_Bash Q39_Part_9_Journal Publications (peer-reviewed...
5 Q9_Part_8_ Sublime Text Q36_Part_9_I do not share my work publicly Q36_Part_9_I do not share my work publicly
6 Q29_A_Part_12_Amazon Athena Q3_India Q3_India
7 Q3_India Q39_Part_11_None Q22_We use ML methods for generating insights ...
8 Q1_30-34 Q1_30-34 Q37_Part_11_None
9 Q17_Part_10_Transformer Networks (BERT, gpt-3,... Q6_5-10 years Q1_35-39
10 Q31_A_Part_1_Amazon QuickSight Q27_A_Part_1_ Amazon EC2 Q17_Part_3_Gradient Boosting Machines (xgboost...
11 Q14_Part_5_ Shiny Q31_A_Part_5_Tableau Q22_We have well established ML methods (i.e.,...
12 Q6_5-10 years Q37_Part_10_University Courses (resulting in a... Q33_A_Part_7_No / None
13 Q27_A_Part_1_ Amazon EC2 Q15_3-4 years Q1_18-21
14 Q29_A_Part_2_PostgresSQL Q33_A_Part_7_No / None Q7_Part_1_Python
15 Q31_A_Part_5_Tableau Q1_18-21 Q8_Python
16 Q28_A_Part_1_ Amazon SageMaker Q12_Part_3_None Q8_R
17 Q17_Part_3_Gradient Boosting Machines (xgboost... Q26_A_Part_1_ Amazon Web Services (AWS) Q16_Part_13_ Tidymodels
18 Q18_Part_2_Image segmentation methods (U-Net, ... Q9_Part_5_ PyCharm Q25_$100,000 or more ($USD)
19 Q33_A_Part_7_No / None Q25_$100,000 or more ($USD) Q16_Part_1_ Scikit-learn

Now we got top 20 features which contributed to the prediction pobability. But Still we need to figure out what range of value of these features by company category and how these features related to Company categoies.

Demographic & Opportunity Analysis

Now, We have list of importance features, let’s analyze these features with respect to the company categories. I have divided these features into 5 aspects and these are the following aspects:

  1. Age and Location Aspect: Which age group prefer working in startups and from where are they from?
  2. Education and Professional Aspect: How much educated people prefer in working in Startups and Mid/Large Size companies?
  3. Programming Language Aspect: What programming language/framework they uses on daily basis.
  4. Work Opportunity Aspect: What are the work opportunities in these companies?
  5. Salary Aspect: How much they are paying?

Age and Location Aspect

Let’s try to figure out which age group interested in Startup and which age group prefer established company


```python def add_rectangular_patch(ax, xy, w, h, color, alpha=0.4, lw=3, fill=True): ax.add_patch( Rectangle(xy, w, h, fill=fill, color=color, lw=lw, alpha=alpha)) def add_annotation(ax, text, xy, xytext, facecolor): ax.annotate( text, xy=xy, xycoords='data', fontsize=16, weight='bold', xytext=xytext, textcoords='axes fraction', arrowprops=dict(facecolor=facecolor, shrink=0.05), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', ) def add_annotation_v2(ax, text, xy, fontsize, color, weight='bold', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center'): ax.annotate(text, xy=xy, fontsize=fontsize, color=color, weight=weight, verticalalignment=verticalalignment, horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment) def hide_axes(this_ax): this_ax.set_frame_on(False) this_ax.set_xticks([]) this_ax.set_yticks([]) return this_ax ``` ```python df = pd.crosstab([data['Q1']], [data['Company_Category']]) df1 = df.apply(lambda r: r / r.sum(), axis=0) df2 = df.apply(lambda r: r / r.sum(), axis=1) df2 = df2.reindex(list(df2.index)[::-1]) heatmap_args = dict(annot_kws={"size": 16}, cmap=cm.get_cmap("Greys", 12), cbar=False, annot=True, fmt="d", lw=2, square=False) f, ax = plt.subplots( nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(30, 20), ) # ax [0,0] hide_axes(ax[0, 0]) # ax[0,1] df.apply(lambda r: r.sum(), axis=1).plot.barh(ax=ax[0, 1], fontsize=20, color='#9B5445') total = len(data) for p in ax[0, 1].patches: percentage = '{:.1f}%'.format(100 * p.get_width() / total) x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() + 0.02 y = p.get_y() + p.get_height() / 2 ax[0, 1].annotate(percentage, (x, y)) add_rectangular_patch(ax[0, 1], (0, 0.5), 2550, 4, 'darkgreen', alpha=0.4, lw=3) add_annotation(ax[0, 1], '67%', (2400, 5), (0.8, 0.65), 'darkgreen') add_rectangular_patch(ax[0, 1], (0, 1.5), 2550, 2, 'darkred', alpha=0.4, lw=3) add_annotation(ax[0, 1], '40%', (1000, 3), (0.6, 0.65), 'darkred') # ax[0,2] hide_axes(ax[0, 2]) # ax[1,0] df1.transpose()[list(df1.transpose().columns)[::-1]].plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 0], stacked=True, fontsize=20, colormap=cm.get_cmap("tab20", 20)) ax[1,0].legend(fontsize=20, handlelength=1,labelspacing =0.2, loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0.6)) add_rectangular_patch(ax[1, 0], (-0.5, 0.45), 2, 0.4, 'darkgreen', alpha=0.2, lw=5, fill=True) add_rectangular_patch(ax[1, 0], (1.5, 0.73), 1, 0.27, 'darkred', alpha=0.2, lw=5, fill=True) # ax[1,1] midpoint = (df.values.max() - df.values.min()) / 2 hm = sns.heatmap(df, ax=ax[1, 1], center=midpoint, **heatmap_args) hm.set_xticklabels(hm.get_xmajorticklabels(), fontsize=20, rotation=90) hm.set_yticklabels(hm.get_ymajorticklabels(), fontsize=20, rotation=0) # ax[1,2] df2.plot.barh(ax=ax[1, 2], fontsize=20, stacked=True) ax[1,2].legend(fontsize=20, handlelength=1,labelspacing =0.2, loc=6) add_rectangular_patch(ax[1, 2], (0, 8.5), 1, 1.9, 'darkgreen', alpha=0.2, lw=5, fill=True) add_annotation_v2(ax[1, 2], 'Learning-First', (0.5, 9.5), fontsize=40, color='white', weight='bold', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center') add_rectangular_patch(ax[1, 2], (0, 2.5), 1, 5.9, 'darkred', alpha=0.2, lw=5, fill=True) add_annotation_v2(ax[1, 2], 'Stability-First', (0.5, 6.5), fontsize=40, color='white', weight='bold', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center') add_rectangular_patch(ax[1, 2], (0, 0), 1, 2.5, 'darkgreen', alpha=0.2, lw=5, fill=True) add_annotation_v2(ax[1, 2], "Let's-Do-Startup", (0.5, 1.0), fontsize=40, color='white', weight='bold', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center') title = f.suptitle('Learning First or Stability First', fontsize=30) ```



  1. 67% of respondents age are b/w 22-40 and 40% are in 25-34
  2. 5 out of 10 in Large and Mid size company are of age b/w 25-34, where as 3 out of 10 in Startup has employee of age b/w 18-24
  3. More than ~50% of respondents having age b/w 18-24 are working in Startup, whereas more than ~60% having age b/w 25-54 are working in either in Mid or Large size company. It feels like in the starting of career they want to learn lots of different things and after 25 they go for stability in life for work-life balance.
  4. There is an interesting pattern after 55, Looks like people again want to learn and discover new thing and want to get rid of corporate culture and go for the startup.

```python df = pd.crosstab([data['Q3']], [data['Company_Category']]) df = df.reindex(df.sum(axis=1).sort_values().index) ax = df.plot.barh( stacked=True, figsize=(15, 15), width=0.85, ) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) title = ax.title.set_text('Does India or USA has more respondents') ```



  1. ~35 of respondents are from India or USA
  2. Distrubtion of Company category looks balanced b/w Country wise respondents


In the starting (18-24) of carrier people go for Startups to learn and experiment new things, in middle(25-34) they go to establish company for maintaining work life balance because that time they likely to have families n all and in last(50+) they again go for Startups, in this time they likely to have some idea for entrepreneur and they want to implement that.

Education and Professional Aspect

Now Let’s try to figure out how formal education are distrubuted over company category. Do they actualy perfer Master or PhDs or they also consider bachelors.


```python df = pd.crosstab([data['Q4']], [data['Company_Category']]) df1 = df.apply(lambda r: r/r.sum(), axis=0) df2 = df.apply(lambda r: r/r.sum(), axis=1) f, ax = plt.subplots( nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(30, 20), ) hide_axes(ax[0, 0]) df.apply(lambda r: r.sum(), axis=1).plot.barh(ax=ax[0, 1], fontsize=20, color='#9B5445') total = len(data) for p in ax[0, 1].patches: percentage = '{:.1f}%'.format(100 * p.get_width()/total) x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() + 0.02 y = p.get_y() + p.get_height()/2 ax[0, 1].annotate(percentage, (x, y)) hide_axes(ax[0, 2]) df.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 0], fontsize=20) ax[1,0].legend(fontsize=20, handlelength=1,labelspacing =0.2) df1.transpose().plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 1], fontsize=20, stacked=True, colormap=cm.get_cmap("tab20", 20)) ax[1,1].legend(fontsize=13, handlelength=1, labelspacing =0.2, loc=10) df2.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 2], fontsize=20, stacked=True) ax[1,2].legend(fontsize=20, handlelength=1,labelspacing =0.2) add_rectangular_patch(ax[1, 2], (-0.5, 0.45), 2, 0.6, 'darkgreen', alpha=0.2, lw=5, fill=True) title = f.suptitle('Master/PhD or Bachelor is enough?', fontsize=30) ```



  1. ~45% respondents have completed Master’s Dregree.
  2. Startups has more bachelors and less Master’s & PhD’s compare to Large and Mid Size company.
  3. The respondents who have’nt completed either high school or bachelors are mostly work for Startups.

```python def get_count_dfs(data, col1, col2): df = pd.crosstab([data[col1]], [data[col2]]) df1 = df.apply(lambda r: r / r.sum(), axis=0) df2 = df.apply(lambda r: r / r.sum(), axis=1) return df, df1, df2 def reindex_df(df, reverse=False): if reverse: df = df.reindex(list(df.sum(axis=1).sort_values().index)[::-1]) return df df = df.reindex(df.sum(axis=1).sort_values().index) return df main_col = "Company_Category" by_col = "Q5" by_col2 = "Q4" index_cols = ['Software Engineer', 'DBA/Database Engineer', 'Data Engineer', 'Machine Learning Engineer', 'Statistician', 'Data Analyst', 'Data Scientist', 'Research Scientist', 'Business Analyst', 'Product/Project Manager', 'Other'] df, df1, df2 = get_count_dfs(data, by_col, main_col) df = df.reindex(index_cols) df1 = df1.reindex(index_cols) df2 = df2.reindex(index_cols) df3 = pd.crosstab([data[by_col]], [data[by_col2]]) df3 = df3.reindex(index_cols) heatmap_args = dict(annot=True, fmt="d", square=False, cmap=cm.get_cmap("Greys", 12), center=90, vmin=0, vmax=500, lw=4, cbar=False) f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(30, 20), gridspec_kw={ 'height_ratios': [4, 6], 'wspace': 0.6, 'hspace': 0.6 }) # ax[0,0] df = df.reindex(index_cols[::-1]) df.apply(lambda r: r.sum(), axis=1).plot.barh(ax=ax[0, 0], fontsize=20, color='#9B5445') total = len(data) for p in ax[0, 0].patches: percentage = '{:.1f}%'.format(100 * p.get_width() / total) x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() + 0.02 y = p.get_y() + p.get_height() / 2 ax[0, 0].annotate(percentage, (x, y)) # ax[0,1] hm = sns.heatmap(df3, ax=ax[0, 1], annot_kws={"size": 16}, **heatmap_args) hm.set_xticklabels(hm.get_xmajorticklabels(), fontsize=20) hm.set_yticklabels(hm.get_ymajorticklabels(), fontsize=20) add_rectangular_patch(ax[0, 1], (0, 5), 2, 2, 'yellow', alpha=0.1, lw=5, fill=True) # ax[0,2] df3.apply(lambda r: r.sum(), axis=0).plot.bar(ax=ax[0, 2], fontsize=20, color='#9B5445') total = len(data) for p in ax[0, 2].patches: percentage = '{:.1f}%'.format(100 * p.get_height() / total) x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() - 0.5 y = p.get_y() + p.get_height() + 100 ax[0, 2].annotate(percentage, (x, y)) # ax[1,0] df = df.reindex(index_cols) df.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 0], fontsize=20, width=0.65) ax[1,0].legend(fontsize=20, handlelength=1,labelspacing =0.2, loc=1) add_rectangular_patch(ax[1, 0], (2.5, 0), 1, 600, 'darkgreen', alpha=0.2, lw=5, fill=True) # ax[1,1] df1.transpose().plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 1], stacked=True,colormap=cm.get_cmap("tab20", 12), fontsize=20, width=0.65) ax[1,1].legend(fontsize=13, handlelength=1, labelspacing =0.2, loc=1) # ax[1,2] df2.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 2], fontsize=20, stacked=True, width=0.65) ax[1,2].legend(fontsize=20, handlelength=1,labelspacing =0.2, loc=1) title = f.suptitle('Data Scientist or Software Engineer or ML Engineer?', fontsize=30) ```



  1. ~22% data scientist and ~16% software developer respondents.
  2. ~1.5% of respondents has not compeleted thier high school or bachelor’s and working as Data scientist or Analyst.
  3. Startups has more number of Machine Learning Engineers compare to Mid or Large Size company.
  4. ~40% of Research Scientist are from Startups.
  5. More Business Analyst Profiles are in Large Size Company.

Programming Language Aspect


```python df = pd.crosstab([data['Q6']], [data['Company_Category']]) df1 = df.apply(lambda r: r/r.sum(), axis=0) df2 = df.apply(lambda r: r/r.sum(), axis=1) df = df.reindex(list(df.index)[::-1] ) df_ = pd.crosstab([data['Q15']], [data['Company_Category']]) df1_ = df_.apply(lambda r: r/r.sum(), axis=0) df2_ = df_.apply(lambda r: r/r.sum(), axis=1) df_ = df_.reindex(list(df_.index)[::-1] ) heatmap_args = dict(annot_kws={"size": 16}, cmap=cm.get_cmap("Greys", 12), cbar=False, annot=True, fmt="d", lw=2, square=False) f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(30, 20), gridspec_kw={ 'height_ratios': [5, 5], 'wspace': 0.6, 'hspace': 0.6 }) # ax[0,0] df1.transpose().plot.bar(ax=ax[0, 0], fontsize=20, stacked=True, width=0.65, colormap=cm.get_cmap("tab20", 20)) # ax[0,1] midpoint = (df.values.max() - df.values.min()) / 2 hm = sns.heatmap(df, ax=ax[0, 1], center=midpoint, **heatmap_args) hm.set_xticklabels(hm.get_xmajorticklabels(), fontsize=20, rotation=90) hm.set_yticklabels(hm.get_ymajorticklabels(), fontsize=20, rotation=0) # ax[0,2] df2.plot.barh(ax=ax[0, 2], fontsize=20, width=0.65, stacked=True) # ax[1,0] df1_.transpose().plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 0], fontsize=20, stacked=True, width=0.65, colormap=cm.get_cmap("tab20", 20)) # ax[1,1] midpoint_ = (df_.values.max() - df_.values.min()) / 2 hm_ = sns.heatmap(df_, ax=ax[1, 1], center=midpoint_, **heatmap_args) hm_.set_xticklabels(hm_.get_xmajorticklabels(), fontsize=20, rotation=90) hm_.set_yticklabels(hm_.get_ymajorticklabels(), fontsize=20, rotation=0) # ax[1,2] df2_.plot.barh(ax=ax[1, 2], fontsize=20, width=0.65, stacked=True) title = f.suptitle('Coding experience or ML experience?', fontsize=30) ```



  1. ~40% of employee of Large size company are of 3-10 years coding experience.
  2. ~60% of employee of Startup are under 5 years of coding experience.
  3. ~50% of respondents having 0-2 years of coding experience works in Startup.
  4. ~30% of employee of Large size company are of 0-1 year of Machine Learning Experience.
  5. ~40% of employee of Startup are of 0-1 year of Machine Learning Experience.

```python def get_df_for_multi_part_question(data, main_col, by_col): cols = get_columns(by_col) + [main_col] df = data[cols] df = (df.set_index(["Company_Category"]).stack().reset_index(name='Value')) del df['level_1'] df.columns = [main_col, by_col] df = pd.crosstab([df[by_col]], [df['Company_Category']]) df = df.reindex(df.sum(axis=1).sort_values().index) return df q7_df = get_df_for_multi_part_question(data, "Company_Category", "Q7") q9_df = get_df_for_multi_part_question(data, "Company_Category", "Q9") q14_df = get_df_for_multi_part_question(data, "Company_Category", "Q14") q16_df = get_df_for_multi_part_question(data, "Company_Category", "Q16") f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(20, 20), gridspec_kw={ 'height_ratios': [5, 5], 'wspace': 0.4, 'hspace': 0.1 }) # ax[0,0] (q9_df/data['Company_Category'].value_counts()).plot.barh(ax=ax[0, 0], fontsize=20, width=0.65) # ax[0,1] (q7_df/data['Company_Category'].value_counts()).plot.barh(ax=ax[0, 1], fontsize=20, width=0.65) # ax[1,0] (q14_df/data['Company_Category'].value_counts()).plot.barh(ax=ax[1, 0], fontsize=20, width=0.65) # ax[1,1] (q16_df/data['Company_Category'].value_counts()).plot.barh(ax=ax[1, 1], fontsize=20, width=0.65) title = f.suptitle('R vs Python & SKLearn or Tensorflow/Keras/Pytorch', fontsize=30) ```



  1. More large size company uses Jupyter Notebook comare to Startup & Mid size company.
  2. Significant number of large size company uses Notepad++.
  3. SQL & R are more used in Large Size Company.
  4. Scikit-Learn, Xgboost, LightGBM, Caret, Catboost are more used in Large Size Company.
  5. Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch are more used in Startups.

Work Opportunity Aspect


```python df = pd.crosstab([data['Q21']], [data['Company_Category']]) df1 = df.apply(lambda r: r/r.sum(), axis=0) df2 = df.apply(lambda r: r/r.sum(), axis=1) def hide_axes(this_ax): this_ax.set_frame_on(False) this_ax.set_xticks([]) this_ax.set_yticks([]) return this_ax f, ax = plt.subplots( nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(30, 20), ) hide_axes(ax[0, 0]) df.apply(lambda r: r.sum(), axis=1).plot.barh(ax=ax[0, 1], fontsize=20, color='#9B5445') total = len(data) for p in ax[0, 1].patches: percentage = '{:.1f}%'.format(100 * p.get_width()/total) x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() + 0.02 y = p.get_y() + p.get_height()/2 ax[0, 1].annotate(percentage, (x, y)) hide_axes(ax[0, 2]) df.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 0], fontsize=20) df1.transpose().plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 1], fontsize=20, stacked=True, colormap=cm.get_cmap("tab20", 20)) df2.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 2], fontsize=20, stacked=True) title = f.suptitle('len(ML Workforce)?', fontsize=30) ```



  1. Mostly startup has 0-2 people are responsible for the data science workloads.
  2. 20+ People included in Large Size Company for the data science workloads
  3. >50% of Mid size company has 0-4 People are responsible for the data science workloads.

```python df = pd.crosstab([data['Q22']], [data['Company_Category']]) df1 = df.apply(lambda r: r / r.sum(), axis=0) df2 = df.apply(lambda r: r / r.sum(), axis=1) def hide_axes(this_ax): this_ax.set_frame_on(False) this_ax.set_xticks([]) this_ax.set_yticks([]) return this_ax f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(30, 20), gridspec_kw={ 'height_ratios': [5, 5], 'wspace': 0.2, 'hspace': 0.1 }) hide_axes(ax[0, 0]) df = reindex_df(df) df.apply(lambda r: r.sum(), axis=1).plot.barh(ax=ax[0, 1], fontsize=20, color='#9B5445') total = len(data) for p in ax[0, 1].patches: percentage = '{:.1f}%'.format(100 * p.get_width() / total) x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() + 0.02 y = p.get_y() + p.get_height() / 2 ax[0, 1].annotate(percentage, (x, y)) hide_axes(ax[0, 2]) df = reindex_df(df, True) df1 = reindex_df(df1, True) df2 = reindex_df(df2, True) df.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 0], fontsize=20) df1.transpose().plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 1], fontsize=20, colormap=cm.get_cmap("tab20", 20), stacked=True) df2.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 2], fontsize=20, stacked=True) title = f.suptitle('Do they incorporated Machine Learning?', fontsize=30) ```



  1. ~30% Startups are exploring ML methods and may one day put a model into production.
  2. ~25% Large Size company has have well established ML methods and models in production for more than 2 years.

```python main_col = "Company_Category" by_col = "Q23" cols = get_columns(by_col) + [main_col] df = data[cols] df = (df.set_index(["Company_Category"]).stack().reset_index(name='Value')) del df['level_1'] df.columns = [main_col, by_col] df = pd.crosstab([df[by_col]], [df['Company_Category']]) df1 = df.apply(lambda r: r / r.sum(), axis=0) df2 = df.apply(lambda r: r / r.sum(), axis=1) def hide_axes(this_ax): this_ax.set_frame_on(False) this_ax.set_xticks([]) this_ax.set_yticks([]) return this_ax f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(30, 20), gridspec_kw={ 'height_ratios': [5, 5], 'wspace': 0.1, 'hspace': 0.2 }) hide_axes(ax[0, 0]) df = reindex_df(df) df.apply(lambda r: r.sum(), axis=1).plot.barh(ax=ax[0, 1], fontsize=20, color='#9B5445') total = len(data) for p in ax[0, 1].patches: percentage = '{:.1f}%'.format(100 * p.get_width() / total) x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() + 0.02 y = p.get_y() + p.get_height() / 2 ax[0, 1].annotate(percentage, (x, y)) hide_axes(ax[0, 2]) df = reindex_df(df, True) df1 = reindex_df(df1, True) df2 = reindex_df(df2, True) df.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 0], fontsize=20) (df/data['Company_Category'].value_counts()).plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 1], fontsize=20) df2.plot.bar(ax=ax[1, 2], fontsize=20, stacked=True) title = f.suptitle('What they doing?', fontsize=30) ```



  1. 56% of Companies are Analyzing and understanding data to influence product or business decisions.
  2. 40% of Large size company and 30% of Startup are building prototypes to explore applying machine learning to new areas.

Salary Aspect

Let’s us see how salary varies with the companay size.

Starting with job role. To calculate salary part, I used reponse of Q24 and took upper bound as thier salary for simlicity and NaN repaced with the mean value. Now with the use of groupy function of pandas, I able to calculate salary by job role and company category.


```python salary_in_order = [ "$0-999", "1,000-1,999", "2,000-2,999", "3,000-3,999", "4,000-4,999", "5,000-7,499", "7,500-9,999", "10,000-14,999", "15,000-19,999", "20,000-24,999", "25,000-29,999", "30,000-39,999", "40,000-49,999", "50,000-59,999", "60,000-69,999", "70,000-79,999", "80,000-89,999", "90,000-99,999", "100,000-124,999", "125,000-149,999", "150,000-199,999", "200,000-249,999", "300,000-500,000", "> $500,000", "nan" ] ## Put NaN with mean salary_in_value = [ 999, 1999, 2999, 3999, 4999, 7499, 9999, 14999, 19999, 24999, 29999, 39999, 49999, 59999, 69999, 79999, 89999, 99999, 124999, 149999, 199999, 249999, 500000, 1000000, 46910 ] salary_lookup = dict(zip(salary_in_order, salary_in_value)) data['Q24_new'] = data['Q24'].astype(str) data['Q24_new'] = data['Q24_new'].apply(lambda x: salary_lookup[x]) ``` ```python def add_annotation(ax, text, xy, xytext, facecolor): ax.annotate( text, xy=xy, xycoords='data', fontsize=16, weight=None, xytext=xytext, textcoords='axes fraction', arrowprops=dict(facecolor=facecolor, shrink=0.05), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', ) ``` ```python df = data[['Company_Category','Q5', 'Q24_new']].groupby(['Company_Category','Q5']).describe() df = df['Q24_new'] (df.style .background_gradient(subset=['mean'])) ```

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Company_Category Q5
Large Size Company Business Analyst 317.000 48365.735 54009.599 999.000 9999.000 39999.000 69999.000 500000.000
DBA/Database Engineer 51.000 66438.451 140567.291 999.000 14999.000 39999.000 69999.000 1000000.000
Data Analyst 452.000 44258.460 50615.318 999.000 7499.000 24999.000 59999.000 500000.000
Data Engineer 173.000 63913.451 89405.007 999.000 14999.000 46910.000 79999.000 1000000.000
Data Scientist 978.000 79224.119 95688.852 999.000 19999.000 54999.000 124999.000 1000000.000
Machine Learning Engineer 241.000 72179.232 115729.684 999.000 7499.000 39999.000 89999.000 1000000.000
Other 627.000 61932.820 91976.007 999.000 7499.000 39999.000 79999.000 1000000.000
Product/Project Manager 247.000 80123.745 74590.717 999.000 29999.000 69999.000 124999.000 500000.000
Research Scientist 340.000 79595.779 146005.220 999.000 14999.000 46910.000 82499.000 1000000.000
Software Engineer 675.000 56162.613 111186.941 999.000 7499.000 24999.000 59999.000 1000000.000
Statistician 71.000 71181.634 81723.700 999.000 12499.000 49999.000 99999.000 500000.000
Mid Size Company Business Analyst 172.000 45950.942 85187.530 999.000 7499.000 24999.000 59999.000 1000000.000
DBA/Database Engineer 28.000 76641.893 187652.780 999.000 3749.000 24999.000 67499.000 1000000.000
Data Analyst 391.000 33407.350 38283.207 999.000 2999.000 14999.000 49999.000 249999.000
Data Engineer 120.000 52999.467 65660.127 999.000 7499.000 29999.000 79999.000 500000.000
Data Scientist 595.000 64784.402 92530.380 999.000 14999.000 39999.000 89999.000 1000000.000
Machine Learning Engineer 223.000 50853.206 65934.683 999.000 3999.000 29999.000 59999.000 500000.000
Other 457.000 51604.140 94100.363 999.000 3999.000 19999.000 59999.000 1000000.000
Product/Project Manager 181.000 67920.000 95610.307 999.000 9999.000 46910.000 89999.000 1000000.000
Research Scientist 338.000 41034.728 50834.413 999.000 2999.000 19999.000 59999.000 249999.000
Software Engineer 439.000 45799.708 91669.747 999.000 3999.000 24999.000 59999.000 1000000.000
Statistician 79.000 38173.962 45869.644 999.000 3999.000 14999.000 59999.000 199999.000
Startup Business Analyst 223.000 40505.682 89929.708 999.000 999.000 9999.000 46910.000 1000000.000
DBA/Database Engineer 36.000 32688.500 41397.226 999.000 1999.000 14999.000 49999.000 149999.000
Data Analyst 492.000 22609.541 55265.584 999.000 999.000 2999.000 29999.000 1000000.000
Data Engineer 96.000 44424.812 72132.595 999.000 1749.000 14999.000 59999.000 500000.000
Data Scientist 937.000 41081.572 97318.933 999.000 999.000 7499.000 46910.000 1000000.000
Machine Learning Engineer 528.000 24833.379 47422.643 999.000 999.000 2999.000 39999.000 500000.000
Other 522.000 39493.249 86954.872 999.000 999.000 14999.000 46910.000 1000000.000
Product/Project Manager 198.000 51205.283 89628.317 999.000 2999.000 24999.000 59999.000 1000000.000
Research Scientist 410.000 42202.039 108386.977 999.000 999.000 9999.000 46910.000 1000000.000
Software Engineer 650.000 30492.631 43956.411 999.000 999.000 9999.000 46910.000 500000.000
Statistician 116.000 23055.991 59313.111 999.000 999.000 999.000 26249.000 500000.000


  1. Average Salary in Large Size Company are Research Scientist(77741) > Data Scientist(77737) > Machine Learning Engineer(73560) > Statistician(71181) > Data Engineer(63187) > Data Analyst (44106)

  2. Average Salary in Mid Size Company are Data Scientist(64432) > Data Engineer(53419) > Machine Learning Engineer(51064) > Research Scientist(40375) > Statistician(38650) > Data Analyst(33369)

  3. Average Salary in Startup are Data Scientist(41170) > Research Scientist(41550) > Data Engineer(39629) > Machine Learning Engineer(24921) > Statistician(23247) > Data Analyst(22645)

  4. Product/Project Manager get more money


```python %matplotlib inline %config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina' index_cols = ['Software Engineer', 'DBA/Database Engineer', 'Data Engineer', 'Machine Learning Engineer', 'Statistician', 'Data Analyst', 'Data Scientist', 'Research Scientist', 'Business Analyst', 'Product/Project Manager', 'Other'] data['Q5'] = pd.Categorical(data['Q5'], categories=index_cols, ordered=True) df = pd.crosstab([data['Q24'], data['Company_Category'], data['Q5']], []).reset_index() df = df.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'size'}) df1 = pd.crosstab([data['Company_Category'], data['Q5']], []).reset_index() df1 = df1.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'total_size'}) df = df.merge(df1, how='inner', on=['Company_Category', 'Q5']) df['percentage'] = df['size']/df['total_size'] palette = sns.color_palette("tab20", len(data['Q5'].unique())) lp = sns.relplot( data=df, x="Q24", y="percentage", hue="Q5", col="Company_Category", kind="scatter", height=5, aspect=.75, palette=palette, facet_kws=dict(sharex=False), ) lp.set_xticklabels(fontsize=10, rotation=90, step=2) ```



  1. ~55% staticians of Startup has salary b/w 0-999.
  2. ~40% Data scientist, Analyst and machine learning developer of Startups has salary b/w 0-999.
  3. Overall Startups give less money to staticians, Data scientist, Analyst and machine learning developers compare to Large & Mid Size company

Now Let’s see how salary varies with the gender categories.


```python data_sub = data[data['Q2'].isin(['Man','Woman'])] df = data_sub[['Company_Category','Q2', 'Q24_new']].groupby(['Company_Category','Q2']).describe() df = df['Q24_new'] (df.style .background_gradient(subset=['mean'])) ```

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Company_Category Q2
Large Size Company Man 3493.000 67140.745 97001.144 999.000 14999.000 46910.000 89999.000 1000000.000
Woman 608.000 51888.600 80491.320 999.000 7499.000 29999.000 69999.000 1000000.000
Mid Size Company Man 2440.000 51975.483 82024.324 999.000 7499.000 29999.000 69999.000 1000000.000
Woman 532.000 41772.118 80058.746 999.000 1999.000 14999.000 49999.000 1000000.000
Startup Man 3439.000 37113.458 83085.053 999.000 999.000 9999.000 46910.000 1000000.000
Woman 706.000 23793.449 51965.554 999.000 999.000 1999.000 39999.000 1000000.000

```python data_sub = data[data['Q2'].isin(['Man','Woman'])] df = pd.crosstab([data_sub['Q24'], data_sub['Company_Category'], data_sub['Q2']], []).reset_index() df = df.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'size'}) df1 = pd.crosstab([data_sub['Company_Category'], data_sub['Q2']], []).reset_index() df1 = df1.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'total_size'}) df = df.merge(df1, how='inner', on=['Company_Category', 'Q2']) df['percentage'] = df['size']/df['total_size'] palette = sns.color_palette("Paired", len(data_sub['Q2'].unique())) lp = sns.relplot( data=df, x="Q24", y="percentage", hue="Q2", col="Company_Category", kind="line", height=5, aspect=.75, palette=palette, facet_kws=dict(sharex=False), ) lp.set_xticklabels(fontsize=10, rotation=90, step=2) ```



  1. The average salary of a Man is greater than average salary of woman.
  2. On Average Man earns 22% more than Woman in Large Size Company where as in Startups difference is 35%

Now Let’s see how salary varies with the highest education taken by respondent.


```python df = data[['Company_Category','Q4', 'Q24_new']].groupby(['Company_Category','Q4']).describe() df = df['Q24_new'] (df.style .background_gradient(subset=['mean'])) ```

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Company_Category Q4
Large Size Company No formal education past high school 27.000 41655.778 31099.823 999.000 19999.000 29999.000 64999.000 99999.000
Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree 82.000 64647.110 72915.418 999.000 14999.000 46910.000 97499.000 500000.000
Bachelor’s degree 1164.000 47513.050 71769.927 999.000 7499.000 24999.000 59999.000 1000000.000
Master’s degree 2024.000 67249.131 93095.598 999.000 14999.000 46910.000 89999.000 1000000.000
Doctoral degree 651.000 95438.639 130908.668 999.000 24999.000 59999.000 124999.000 1000000.000
Professional degree 173.000 56355.150 107037.022 999.000 7499.000 24999.000 49999.000 1000000.000
I prefer not to answer 51.000 70274.627 194255.147 999.000 999.000 14999.000 49999.000 1000000.000
Mid Size Company No formal education past high school 29.000 34909.724 36946.337 999.000 999.000 19999.000 49999.000 124999.000
Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree 109.000 44324.385 64384.962 999.000 2999.000 24999.000 59999.000 500000.000
Bachelor’s degree 762.000 35174.307 43905.655 999.000 3999.000 14999.000 49999.000 249999.000
Master’s degree 1371.000 56075.032 92992.454 999.000 7499.000 29999.000 69999.000 1000000.000
Doctoral degree 568.000 63939.639 99034.190 999.000 4999.000 39999.000 79999.000 1000000.000
Professional degree 142.000 38251.655 47191.591 999.000 2999.000 14999.000 59999.000 199999.000
I prefer not to answer 42.000 22666.976 26273.561 999.000 1999.000 12499.000 45182.250 124999.000
Startup No formal education past high school 57.000 27503.088 44475.788 999.000 999.000 3999.000 39999.000 199999.000
Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree 227.000 28691.454 52773.586 999.000 999.000 2999.000 46910.000 500000.000
Bachelor’s degree 1334.000 31005.221 92367.311 999.000 999.000 2999.000 39999.000 1000000.000
Master’s degree 1743.000 34155.404 55711.309 999.000 999.000 9999.000 46910.000 1000000.000
Doctoral degree 573.000 53573.141 115999.994 999.000 1999.000 19999.000 59999.000 1000000.000
Professional degree 185.000 30825.957 44857.348 999.000 999.000 9999.000 46910.000 249999.000
I prefer not to answer 89.000 26749.056 63057.663 999.000 999.000 2999.000 29999.000 500000.000

```python df = pd.crosstab([data['Q24'], data['Company_Category'], data['Q4']], []).reset_index() df = df.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'size'}) df1 = pd.crosstab([data['Company_Category'], data['Q4']], []).reset_index() df1 = df1.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'total_size'}) df = df.merge(df1, how='inner', on=['Company_Category', 'Q4']) df['percentage'] = df['size']/df['total_size'] palette = sns.color_palette("Paired", len(data['Q4'].unique())) lp = sns.relplot( data=df, x="Q24", y="percentage", hue="Q4", col="Company_Category", kind="scatter", height=5, aspect=.75, palette=palette, facet_kws=dict(sharex=False), ) lp.set_xticklabels(fontsize=10, rotation=90, step=2) ```



  1. The average salary of a Doctoral degree is greater.
  2. There is very small difference in avg Salary of masters and bachelors in Startups, where as large difference in Large and Mid Size Company.
  3. Avg salary for Professional degree holder in Startups is less than bachelors where as it is more in Large and Mid Size Company.

```python df = data[['Company_Category','Q6', 'Q24_new']].groupby(['Company_Category','Q6']).describe() df = df['Q24_new'] (df.style .background_gradient(subset=['mean'])) ```

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Company_Category Q6
Large Size Company I have never written code 222.000 45005.248 98834.930 999.000 7499.000 24999.000 46910.000 1000000.000
< 1 years 384.000 37846.539 56622.404 999.000 3999.000 14999.000 49999.000 500000.000
1-2 years 604.000 37158.487 45042.416 999.000 4999.000 14999.000 49999.000 249999.000
3-5 years 968.000 50016.803 79062.026 999.000 7499.000 29999.000 69999.000 1000000.000
5-10 years 854.000 71460.430 94127.307 999.000 19999.000 49999.000 99999.000 1000000.000
10-20 years 660.000 96566.029 129544.549 999.000 29999.000 69999.000 124999.000 1000000.000
20+ years 480.000 110754.558 128806.812 999.000 39999.000 79999.000 149999.000 1000000.000
Mid Size Company I have never written code 162.000 37011.617 92715.013 999.000 1999.000 14999.000 46910.000 1000000.000
< 1 years 373.000 31155.094 83376.832 999.000 1999.000 7499.000 39999.000 1000000.000
1-2 years 487.000 29824.735 71755.159 999.000 2999.000 9999.000 39999.000 1000000.000
3-5 years 691.000 39623.211 45096.085 999.000 4999.000 24999.000 59999.000 249999.000
5-10 years 557.000 55832.594 79480.477 999.000 9999.000 39999.000 69999.000 1000000.000
10-20 years 450.000 70391.400 80720.265 999.000 19999.000 49999.000 89999.000 1000000.000
20+ years 303.000 98782.152 120978.358 999.000 34999.000 79999.000 124999.000 1000000.000
Startup I have never written code 273.000 20271.674 32638.859 999.000 999.000 1999.000 39999.000 199999.000
< 1 years 649.000 19139.891 53885.739 999.000 999.000 1999.000 24999.000 1000000.000
1-2 years 945.000 21358.325 64684.753 999.000 999.000 1999.000 24999.000 1000000.000
3-5 years 932.000 29021.101 81392.880 999.000 999.000 4999.000 39999.000 1000000.000
5-10 years 576.000 40083.932 54646.262 999.000 1999.000 19999.000 49999.000 500000.000
10-20 years 419.000 62854.248 95953.473 999.000 6249.000 39999.000 89999.000 1000000.000
20+ years 414.000 80057.572 127480.974 999.000 5624.000 46910.000 99999.000 1000000.000

```python # Q6 df = pd.crosstab([data['Q24'], data['Company_Category'], data['Q6']], []).reset_index() df = df.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'size'}) df1 = pd.crosstab([data['Company_Category'], data['Q6']], []).reset_index() df1 = df1.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'total_size'}) df = df.merge(df1, how='inner', on=['Company_Category', 'Q6']) df['percentage'] = df['size']/df['total_size'] palette = sns.color_palette("Paired", len(data['Q6'].unique())) lp = sns.relplot( data=df, x="Q24", y="percentage", hue="Q6", col="Company_Category", kind="scatter", height=5, aspect=.75, palette=palette, facet_kws=dict(sharex=False), ) lp.set_xticklabels(fontsize=10, rotation=90, step=2) ```



  1. In All, avg Salary increses with the year of coding experience.
  2. Avg salary in Startup is less than Mid or Large Size company.

```python df = data[['Company_Category','Q15', 'Q24_new']].groupby(['Company_Category','Q15']).describe() df = df['Q24_new'] (df.style .background_gradient(subset=['mean'])) ```

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Company_Category Q15
Large Size Company I do not use machine learning methods 427.000 59222.862 99546.378 999.000 7499.000 39999.000 79999.000 1000000.000
Under 1 year 1004.000 43221.308 64925.946 999.000 6874.000 19999.000 59999.000 1000000.000
1-2 years 802.000 49030.254 57838.133 999.000 7499.000 29999.000 69999.000 500000.000
2-3 years 502.000 65434.530 96476.630 999.000 14999.000 46910.000 79999.000 1000000.000
3-4 years 346.000 73905.309 112471.381 999.000 19999.000 48454.500 89999.000 1000000.000
4-5 years 307.000 88104.368 81829.149 999.000 29999.000 69999.000 124999.000 500000.000
5-10 years 376.000 120033.197 143621.043 999.000 49999.000 79999.000 149999.000 1000000.000
10-20 years 114.000 120106.342 126344.556 999.000 49999.000 89999.000 149999.000 1000000.000
20 or more years 72.000 153047.222 207354.624 999.000 46910.000 89999.000 199999.000 1000000.000
Mid Size Company I do not use machine learning methods 337.000 39642.252 66896.277 999.000 3999.000 19999.000 49999.000 1000000.000
Under 1 year 804.000 35483.867 65699.467 999.000 2999.000 14999.000 49999.000 1000000.000
1-2 years 596.000 35959.883 43153.827 999.000 3999.000 19999.000 49999.000 249999.000
2-3 years 373.000 57896.954 103845.938 999.000 7499.000 39999.000 69999.000 1000000.000
3-4 years 228.000 59134.039 61185.089 999.000 14999.000 46910.000 79999.000 500000.000
4-5 years 210.000 70306.410 66302.248 999.000 19999.000 54999.000 89999.000 500000.000
5-10 years 206.000 103465.748 149086.275 999.000 26249.000 69999.000 124999.000 1000000.000
10-20 years 66.000 95655.409 82203.755 999.000 29999.000 89999.000 124999.000 500000.000
20 or more years 41.000 132702.000 96074.938 999.000 49999.000 124999.000 199999.000 500000.000
Startup I do not use machine learning methods 428.000 28860.953 48139.774 999.000 999.000 9999.000 46910.000 500000.000
Under 1 year 1425.000 24700.697 77560.292 999.000 999.000 1999.000 29999.000 1000000.000
1-2 years 933.000 25164.996 51420.469 999.000 999.000 3999.000 39999.000 1000000.000
2-3 years 431.000 40433.441 83894.328 999.000 1999.000 14999.000 49999.000 1000000.000
3-4 years 232.000 56312.991 105434.274 999.000 9374.000 29999.000 69999.000 1000000.000
4-5 years 192.000 59477.708 67260.104 999.000 7499.000 39999.000 89999.000 500000.000
5-10 years 184.000 82851.424 105673.430 999.000 19999.000 54999.000 106249.000 1000000.000
10-20 years 54.000 122049.667 158252.020 999.000 46910.000 79999.000 124999.000 1000000.000
20 or more years 56.000 132942.304 196411.495 999.000 18749.000 69999.000 199999.000 1000000.000

```python # Q15 df = pd.crosstab([data['Q24'], data['Company_Category'], data['Q15']], []).reset_index() df = df.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'size'}) df1 = pd.crosstab([data['Company_Category'], data['Q15']], []).reset_index() df1 = df1.rename(columns={'__dummy__': 'total_size'}) df = df.merge(df1, how='inner', on=['Company_Category', 'Q15']) df['percentage'] = df['size']/df['total_size'] palette = sns.color_palette("Paired", len(df['Q15'].unique())) lp = sns.relplot( data=df, x="Q24", y="percentage", hue="Q15", col="Company_Category", kind="scatter", height=5, aspect=.75, palette=palette, facet_kws=dict(sharex=False), ) lp.set_xticklabels(fontsize=10, rotation=90, step=2) ```



  1. In All, avg Salary increses with the year of machine learning experience.
  2. In All, avg Salary of machine learning experience is higher than coding experience.


Aspect Large/Mid Size Company Startup
Age 5 out of 10 has age under 25-35 year and After 55 year, people don’t want to do job in Large or Mid-Size company. 3 out of 10 has age under 18-24 years. After 55 year, people don’t want to do job for Start-ups.
Location ~40% are from India & USA. ~30% are from India & USA
Education Has more Mater’s & PhD’s Has more Bachelors.
Job Role Has more Business Analysts. Has more Machine learning engineer and Research Scientist.
Coding Experience ~40% of 3-10 year of coding experience. ~60 of 5 years of coding experience.
Machine learning Experience ~30% of 0-1 year of machine learning experience. ~40% of 0-1 year of machine learning experience.
Programming Language & Packages SQL & R are more used in Large Size Company. Scikit-Learn, Xgboost, LightGBM, Caret, Catboost are more use in Large Size company. DL framework i.e. TensorFlow, Keras, Pytorch are more use in Startups.
Incorporated Machine Learning ~25% of them have well established ML methods and models in production for more than 2 years. ~30% of them are exploring ML methods and may one day put a model into production
Opportunities ~40% of them are building prototypes to explore applying machine learning to new areas. ~30% of them are building prototypes to explore applying machine learning to new areas.
Salary by Job Role Research Scientist & Data Scientist getting more salary compare to other profiles, avg. salary is $75000-80000. Order is like this: Research Scientist(77741) > Data Scientist(77737) > Machine Learning Engineer(73560) > Statistician(71181) > Data Engineer(63187) > Data Analyst (44106) Research Scientist & Data Scientist getting more salary compare to other profiles, avg. salary is $40000-45000. \n Order is like this: Data Scientist(41170) > Research Scientist(41550) > Data Engineer(39629) > Machine Learning Engineer(24921) > Statistician(23247) > Data Analyst(22645)
Salary by Gender Man is greater than average salary of woman. Difference in Man vs Woman salary is about 22%. Man is greater than average salary of woman. Difference in Man vs Woman salary is about 35%.
Salary by Education Avg. Salary of Doctoral degree is greater, whereas large difference in avg. salary of master and bachelors. Avg. Salary of Doctoral degree is greater, Whereas very small difference in avg. salary of master and bachelors.
Salary by ML Experience Avg. Salary increases with ml experience. Avg. Salary increases with ml experience.


  1. moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation: https://github.com/ModelOriented/DALEX
  2. Line plots on multiple facets: https://seaborn.pydata.org/examples/faceted_lineplot.html
  3. Color: https://matplotlib.org/3.1.0/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html
  4. Annotations: https://matplotlib.org/3.3.3/tutorials/text/annotations.html
  5. Combining two subplots using subplots and GridSpec: https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/gallery/subplots_axes_and_figures/gridspec_and_subplots.htm
