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This weekend,I had been thinking about how can I optimize tokenization processing time. I have 6 Core CPUs Laptop. I wanted to utilize it.

What is Tokenization?


Tokenization is the process of breaking text into pieces, called tokens.

Explanation: How we humans understand language? We first try to segment para into sentences followed by segment each sentence into words. After that, we try to link the words and make sense out it followed by link sentences to make overall sense.

There are two types of tokenizations:

  • Sentence Tokenization
  • Word Tokenization

Disclaimer: Here we discuss how we can process word tokenization faster.

Experiment with Code

Let’s load required packages first:

import spacy
from fastprogress import *
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook, tqdm
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import re
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

1. Multi-threaded approach: Spacy has .pipe generator. It has n_threads and n_process parameters.

def multi_thread_based_tokenizations(nlp, text_list, batch_size=1000, n_threads=4, n_process=1):
    docs = nlp.pipe(text_list,batch_size=batch_size, n_threads = n_threads, n_process=n_process)
    word_sequences = []

    for doc in tqdm(docs):
        word_seq = []
        for token in doc:
    return word_sequences

Time Statistics: Multi-threaded approach

I took 10000 sentences and ran experiments with a combination of batch_size, threads, process(CPU). These are the stats:

batch_size n_threads n_process Time(s)
1000 2 4 17.773555
1500 2 4 18.986561
2000 2 4 20.790800
2500 2 4 21.243879
3000 2 4 21.849630
3500 2 4 22.805901
1000 2 2 25.049998
4000 2 4 26.027611
2500 2 2 26.379638
1500 2 2 26.804577
2000 2 2 27.956490
4000 2 2 29.257992
3000 2 2 29.973307
3500 2 2 31.415203

2. Multi-processing approach: I have used concurrent.futures package to parallelize tokenization code.

def parallel(func, arr, max_workers=4):
    if max_workers<2: results = list(progress_bar(map(func, enumerate(arr)), total=len(arr)))
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as ex:
            return list(progress_bar(, enumerate(arr)), total=len(arr)))
    if any([o is not None for o in results]): return results

class TokenizeProcessor():
    def __init__(self, nlp, chunksize=2000, max_workers=4): 
        self.chunksize,self.max_workers = chunksize,max_workers
        self.tokenizer = nlp.tokenizer

    def proc_chunk(self, args):
        i,chunk = args
        docs = [[d.text for d in doc] for doc in self.tokenizer.pipe(chunk)]
        return docs

    def __call__(self, items): 
        toks = []
        chunks = [items[i: i+self.chunksize] for i in (range(0, len(items), self.chunksize))]
        toks = parallel(self.proc_chunk, chunks, max_workers=self.max_workers)
        return sum(toks, [])

Time Statistics: Multi-processing approach

I took 10000 sentences and ran experiments with a combination of batch_size, process(CPU). These are the stats:

batch_size n_process Time(s)
4000 2 3.468632
4000 4 3.487540
3500 2 4.040751
3000 2 4.352866
3000 4 4.422525
2500 4 4.445214
2500 2 4.512357
3500 4 4.737216
2000 4 5.303331
2000 2 5.378104
1500 2 7.097535
1500 4 7.247377
1000 4 9.837863
1000 2 9.938355


  • Multiprocessing with concurrent.futures gave the best result, took 3.4sec per 10000 sentences.
  • Multithreading with Spacy also given better results as compared to the native approach, when I increased processes(CPUs), it took 17.7sec per 10000 sentences.